sábado, 6 de junio de 2015

Triple print

Lo bueno de sentirte a gusto con una tendencia es que no te importan nada las críticas. En mi caso, estoy muy cómoda con el mix print, esta tendencia de mezclar estampados "a lo loco" y con la que puedes conseguir divertidos resultados. Es verdad que no es una tendencia para todo el mundo. En entradas parecidas he recibido muchos comentarios de chicas que no se aclaran a la hora de mezclar, o simplemente no se atreven. Yo desde aquí os animo a intentarlo, porque la moda está para que nos divirtamos con ella. Y para demostrarlo, mejor un ejemplo como el de hoy, en el que se mezclan no dos, sino tres estampados diferentes. Y para aquellas a las que le guste la tendencia pero no terminan de inspirarse os dejo el link a mi entrada How to wear mix print con algunas ideas. Mil gracias por vuestros comentarios! 

The good thing about feeling comfy with a trend is you don´t care about bad reviews. In my case, I'm very comfortable with mixing print, this trend of mixing patterns "without rhyme or reason" and you can also get interesting results. It´s certainly not a trend for everyone. In similar posts I´ve received many comments from girls who don´t feel safe when it comes to mixing or they don´t dare. From here, I encourage you to try it, because fashion is to enjoy it. And to prove it, nothing better than an example like today´s, where I´ve mixed not two, but three different patterns. And for those of you who like the trend but don´t get the inspiration, I leave you the link to my post How to wear mix print with some ideas about this trend. Thanks for your comments!

I was wearing:
Blouse: Sfera / Floral skirt: H&M / Heels: Onlymaker / Bag: Zara

5 comentarios:

  1. You look fabulous! Those shoes are awesome!

  2. You look amazing in that pretty skirt/top combo! Love the colours! :)

    And those strappy heels with the cool design are to die for! :)

    Geekette in High Heels

  3. great outfit! loving the prints and colors of your dress and really love your shoes!


  4. Hello lovely! You are very beautiful and your blog is so interesting! I`ll be very happy if you visit my blog :)) have a nice day :)

